8 Tips To Beat Shedding Season

It’s no secret that humans adore having pets, but it’s hard to say the same about the shedding and dander that comes with being a pet owner. As much as we love our dogs, cats, and other animal companions, the sight of fur caked onto furniture, clogging up dryer vents, and floating in the air is not a pleasant one. This is especially true for those who suffer from allergies but still have pets.

Pet dander is an eyesore and sometimes even a health hazard, but this common problem is easily manageable. Shedding is a natural biological process that can’t be stopped entirely, but there are practical ways to reduce the presence of pet dander in your home. Follow along as we break down why pets shed and guide you through the best ways to beat shedding season!

Why Is My Pet Shedding?

While not all pets with fur shed, some pet owners are very familiar with the seemingly endless flurries of dander that linger on every imaginable surface at home. For some pets, shedding happens year-round. For others, shedding happens at specific times during the year.

The main reason shedding happens is changing temperatures and seasons, so the timing of shedding season varies depending on the animal and environment. Seasonal shedding is very normal and should be expected.

There are other less common reasons for shedding as well. Changes in hormones, pregnancy, medication, stress or anxiety, environmental changes, poor diet, allergies, infections, and parasites, can all cause your pet to shed more than usual. If you’re concerned about your pet’s shedding, we recommend taking a trip to the vet.

8 Shedding Season Tips

There's no reason to panic if you’re unprepared for shedding season. Managing pet dander is possible and definitely worth it. Below, we compiled a list of the most practical and effective ways to reduce the presence of pet dander in your home.

Cat shedding – close up of blonde fur

  1. Brushing: Regular brushing is the most effective way to manage shedding. Brushing removes loose hair from your pet's coat before it can fall off, reducing hair loss in your home. Your pet’s brushing routine will depend on the length and thickness of their coat. Consult your vet or groomer for more information.
  2. Air Filters: Air filters capture dust, dander, allergens, and other pollutants from the air. They reduce pet hair indoors by trapping and preventing dander particles from recirculating in the air. Air filters also generally improve indoor air quality.
  3. Baths and Grooming: Bathing your pet regularly can help to loosen and remove dead hair from their coat. Tools like de-shedding combs and gloves can also pull up more loose hair from your pet's coat than a regular brush.
  4. Vacuum: Vacuuming can help to remove pet hair from your floors and furniture. It is a very effective way to extract pet dander and other allergens from soft surfaces.
  5. Lint Rollers: A lint roller can remove pet hair from your clothes, car, and upholstery. Keeping multiple in your home and car can be handy for removing hair quickly.
  6. De-shedding Treatments: De-shedding treatments are designed to remove loose hair from your pet's coat before it has a chance to fall off. As a result, less dander ends up in your home.
  7. No-Shed Food: No-shed foods are formulated with ingredients that can help to reduce shedding in some pets. These foods typically contain high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which can help to keep your pet's skin and coat healthy and reduce shedding.
  8. Professional Groomer: A groomer can give your pet a thorough brushing and de-shedding treatment. Their professional techniques can be more effective than at-home treatments.

While these tips can reduce pet dander, it’s important to remember that shedding is a natural process that can’t be fully prevented. These tips help manage the amount of pet hair in your home, not eliminate pet hair entirely.

When Is Shedding Season?

When shedding occurs depends on the animal. Cat shedding season and dog shedding season don’t always happen at the same time. However, for most pets, shedding typically occurs twice a year, in the spring and fall. Pets often shed their thicker winter coats to prepare for the warmer months and then again in the fall when they grow a new, thicker coats to keep warm in the winter.

Cat Shedding Season

In general, cat shedding happens all year round, but they may shed more heavily during the spring and fall months. Cat shedding is often a result of changes in season and temperature. Changes in climate are the main trigger of a cat's natural shedding cycle. Some cat breeds shed almost no hair, while others shed profusely. The amount of shedding depends on the individual cat, so it’s important to research you cat’s specific breed.

Cat shedding – gray cat sleeping on white bed

Dog Shedding Season

Dog shedding season can also vary depending on the breed and climate. Many dogs shed heavily in the spring and fall as their bodies adjust to the changing temperatures and daylight hours. Breeds that have a thick undercoat, like huskies and golden retrievers, may shed heavily twice a year, while breeds with hair instead of fur, like poodles and malteses, may shed very little.

Why Is My Dog Shedding So Much?

Excessive dog shedding can be caused by a variety of reasons. Fast or drastic season changes, diet, and medical conditions can all trigger an unusual amount of dog shedding.

8 Tips To Beat Shedding Season – black and white dog sitting with cat and human

The most common reason dogs experience excessive shedding is the changing of seasons. Dogs tend to shed more during the spring and fall as their bodies adjust to changes in weather and temperature. Dogs shed in the spring, so they have lighter coats in the summer. They also shed in the fall to make room for their heavy and dense winter coats to grow in. Some dogs shed once a year, some twice a year, and others shed all year long. It all depends on the breed of your dog and the climate you live in.

A dog's diet can also affect the health of their coat. If your dog isn’t eating enough of the proper nutrients, excessive shedding can happen. Skin and coat formula dog food is a common solution to this problem. This type of food can help regulate your dog’s shedding and coat health.

Medical issues are another common cause of excessive dog shedding. Some dogs may have allergies to certain foods, environmental allergens, or parasites like fleas, which can cause shedding. Dogs that are stressed or anxious may shed more than usual as a result as well. Additionally, issues like thyroid problems, infections, and other illnesses can cause excessive shedding in dogs.

If you are concerned about your dog's shedding, it's best to take a trip to the vet. In the meantime, ensure your dog gets a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper grooming to help manage to shed.

Why Is My Cat Shedding So Much?

Cat shedding is natural, but if your cat is shedding an unhealthy amount, it may be time to see the vet. During the spring and fall, cats shed more than usual to adapt to the changing temperatures in their environment. However, cat's also shed more when they are suffering from allergies, fleas, parasites, stress, anxiety, disease, or a poor diet. No matter the issue, regular grooming, a proper diet, and exercise can help manage cat shed and overall health. Remember, if excessive shedding becomes a concern, take your cat to the vet to determine if there are any underlying health problems.

The Best Air Filters For Pet Shedding

Dander particles stay airborne for long periods, so one of the most efficient ways to capture pet hair is using an air filter! Having a steady supply of fresh air filters is an easy way to manage dander in your home. Filterbuy produces the highest quality made-in-U.S. air filters on the market in 600+ sizes. All U.S. orders ship free, and we make custom-size filters too! All the MERV ratings we offer are proven to filter out pet dander.

Not sure which MERV rating is right for your home? Our MERV Match quiz can help you choose the ideal filter for your home.

